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Interview with Mastodon’s Bill Kelliher


Και ενώ περιοδεύουν στα πλαίσια του Mayhem Festival, οι rock n’ rollers από την Georgia της Atlanda, Mastodon , θα συνεχίσουν να περιοδεύουν, καθώς εμείς θα αναμένουμε με ανεξάντλητη αγωνία τον επερχόμενο δίσκο τους. Ο βραβευμένος από το περιοδικό Metal Hammer ως «Golden God» κιθαρίστας της μπάντας, Bill Kelliher, βρήκε λίγο χρόνο και απάντησε στις ερωτήσεις ενός δια βίου αφοσιωμένου ακροατή τους...

1.Hello, greetings from Greece and thanks for your time.

Τhank you very much! We hope to be in Greece again very soon!

2.You, guys, have been touring 13 months for Blood Mountain... Tell us a few things about it.

Well, after putting out a record , you need to back it up with a year or so of touring. It’s been great having a headlining tour and all.
We actually had about a year off, to write our new record. We just got off the Mayhem Fest with Slipknot ,Disturbed, Dragonforce, Machinehead and a list of others.

3.How did the Masonic Temple concert came about?

Well, Neurosis asked us to do it, and we were recording but it’s a special moment when Neurosis asks us to play with them,so we said ’hell yeah!!’

4.Have you started recording?

Yeah, the record is almost done…

5.Tell us a few words about it.

Well, it’s the best thing we have recorded ever!!!
It’s something we are all very proud of and looking forward to its release date in early January.

6.You have written a lot of songs about human paths using elements of nature, stories with mythological creatures, gods, ships and stuff, what is this album going to be about this time?

Can’t tell you yet, i’ll ruin the suprise!!

7. Any new titles except of “Ghost Of Karilla”?


8.You have already had Neurosis’ singer featured in a couple of songs and Clutch’s singer as well. So, what’s your relationship with Scott Kelly and Neil Fallon?
They are old friends that are great musicians/singers/songwriters.
We have a special relationship with both of them and like their voices and thought they could contribute to our sound.

9.Are you to have any special guests this time?

Well , Scott will appear…

10.Three times already in Greece… Did you enjoy the concerts in Athens?

We LOVE Greece!!!! We can’t wait to come back to Athens! Best food in the world!!!!! And nice people as well!!!

11.What are your all-time favorite bands/artists?

All the good stuff!!!

Θάνος Ντούτσης


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